How do I make a recurring payment?

2 min. readlast update: 01.08.2025

To make a recurring payment, navigate to Make a payment, and select Recurring when  you're on the Payment details step. Use the guide below to follow along.

  1. Select Supplier payment Enter manually.
  2. Select the Payee you would like to set up recurring payments for.
  3. When asked when you would like to pay, select Recurring.

  4. Choose the frequency at which you would like to pay your Payee.
  5. Select the Start Date for your Recurring Payments.
  6. Select the End Date for your recurring payments or select a Specific Number of Payments to be made and click Continue.
  7. Select the Credit Card you would like to make your recurring payments with and click continue. Recurring payments can only be made with a Credit Card.
  8. Continue to select your PayRewards preference, and then review and authorise your new payment.
How long can I set recurring payments for?

You can set the recurring payment end date for a maximum of 12 months in advance.

When will my recurring payment occur if the month does not have 31 days?

If the date of your recurring payment has been set for the 31st of the month, but a subsequent month does not have 31 days in it, your payment will occur on the last day of that calendar month.

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