Retrying failed payments

2 min. readlast update: 11.12.2024

If a payment fails, you can usually retry the payment from your transactions page.

How to Retry a Payment

  1.  Log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the Transactions page.
  3. Find the failed payment and select it.
  4. Click Retry payment


Why do I have to wait to retry?

When a payment fails, you must wait 1 hour before attempting to retry that payment. We recommend using this time to rectify any issues with your bank or card issuer before attempting to retry.


Why can't I retry my payment?

Not all payments can be retried. If you do not see Retry payment, you’ll need to create a new payment with updated details or use a different payment method.

You do not have permission: If you lack permissions to authorise payments, you’ll need an administrator, manager or the account owner to perform this action.

Issues with the payment method: Some declines, such as when an account is closed, a card is expired, or details are invalid, may not be retriable. Please link a new payment method or create a new payment.

Attempts exceeded: After three unsuccessful attempts to process a payment, you'll need to create a new payment with updated information or a new payment method.

Old payments: Payments over 90 days old cannot be retried. You'll need to create a new payment with updated information or a new payment method.



A note regarding payments made via our Xero integration: 

You can retry payments imported from Xero using the original payment method using the process outlined above. If you wish to retry these payments with a different payment method and need to re-import them from Xero, please reach out to our support team. We can reset the payments in Xero, enabling you to re-import and process the payments using your preferred payment method.


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