What are the roles that I can assign users in my account?

2 min. readlast update: 01.08.2025

In your pay.com.au account, you are able to manage multiple users and their levels of access through Settings > Users.

There are 5 roles currently available: Account Owner, Administrator, Manager, Operator, and View Only. The Account Owner and Administrators have the ability to invite and manage other users.

To review the permissions associated with each role, navigate to Settings > Users > Roles and select a role to view its permissions, or read below.

Account Owner

The Account Owner serves as the main point of contact for the account, and has the authority to perform all actions in the account. An account can only have one owner, and only the Account owner can accrue PayRewards points from that account.

If you need to change the Account Owner for an account, please contact our support team for assistance.


Administrators are able to manage account settings, invite and manage users, create and authorise payments, and manage payees and payment methods.


Managers are able to create and authorise payments, and manage payees and payment methods.


Operators are able to create payments, but not authorise them, and add payees and payment methods, but not edit or remove them.

View Only

View Only users have access to view payments but cannot make payments or any changes within the account.

See below for a full comparison of role permissions here


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